Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thaner's Wedding In Photos

Since I've misplaced my dumb ol' camera, I had to steal all of these photo from the couple's sister-in-law, Jenae Turley. Thank you, Jenae!

Smoochy, smooch - the couple gets their kiss on to seal the deal. It was an absolutely beautiful day for a wedding at St. Catherine's at Bell Gable in Fayetteville.

Thaner and her dad, David, rode down to the ceremony very stylishly in this 1902 Mercedes. Baller! So of course we all had to strike a pose with it after the ceremony. I'm the short, awkward girl hidden in the middle. Wah, wah.

Now, on to the important part - the party! This was the loveliest and tastiest cake display that I've ever seen. For realz. Thank you, Rick's Bakery, for forcing me to try every single cake and thus adding an unwanted 5 lbs to my already voluptuous ass. My fave was the peanut butter-filled chocolate.

Gorgeous feather table displays! The tablecloths were also pretty sexy. Tables alternated these tablecloths and displays with white and roses, I think (paid attention to the decor up until my first glass of champagne, then it was full on fun focus).

Maybe they were carnations?

There was a photo booth. We got to wear silly hats and whatnot, take pictures and make scrapbook pages for the couple. Mine were all inappropriate. Shocker, I know. Steven really liked the costumes. I really liked the champagne (as evidenced in next photo.)

Ok, so, I can only tell myself over and over again that I'm not really this pudgy and the dress was all scrunched up from dancing up a storm. Normally I wouldn't share with the world such an unflattering photo, but come on, we're having a really, really good time. Sometimes you take one for the team in order to accurately communicate a message. This is mine: Annslee, I'm so very happy that you had the beautiful, super fun wedding that you've always wanted and that I was able to watch my best friend marry the person that she loves. I'm so blessed and proud that you asked me to be a part of it. I love you. Also, doesn't her booty look good in that dress?

1 comment:

  1. I love all her pics! There was a terrible one of me on FB, so I promptly untagged it.

    You look so happy in the last one. I love it!

    I hope I see you this weekend, friend!
